Ali Fung
General Manager
Amway Hong Kong
Ali Fung, General Manager of Amway Hong Kong is overseeing the
operations of the Hong Kong and Macau region.
Over the past years, Ali has demonstrated his leadership in building the
product brands, corporate image and brand experience for customers. He
also drives the digital transformation of Amway Hong Kong by leveraging
social media platforms and different O2O campaigns.
Ali serves as President of The Direct Selling Association of Hong Kong
Limited and holds a MBA degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Adrian Leung
Head of Marketing, Hong Kong
Hawley & Hazel Asia Investment
Ali Fung
General Manager
Amyway Hong Kong
Eric Leong
Marketing Director, Brand Marketing
GP Batteries
Peter Larko
Director of Marketing and Public Relations
Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong
Jaslin Goh
Head of Marketing, Design and Customer Experience
PayMe by HSBC