LiLian Hor

Head of Maxis eCommerce & Retail
Maxis Business

A pioneer in Malaysia’s digital industry, LiLian has over 20 years experience working across both digital and social media space. Her penchant for results-oriented campaigns and digital transformation contributes to the overall success of local and international brands, of all sizes.

Currently heading Maxis eCommerce & Retail, she leads the business responsible for developing an all-encompassing solutions for omni-channel commerce to help businesses get online and grow.Her journey with Maxis began as Head of Digital Marketing, where she supported brands like Crocs, Xixili, Focus Point, MR.DIY, to online success, and business growth, via strategic digital campaigns.

Formerly Head of Digital at FCB KL, she led the overall digital and social media business of FCB Group which covers brands like Acer, OCBC, Motorola, Clorox, PropertyGuru, etc.

LiLian started her career with Mindshare, launching successful digital media campaigns for Nike, Heineken, Guinness, Volvo, Samsung, L’Oreal. She then progressed on to kick-start and grow the Social Media business of GroupM driving strategies for brands like Enfagrow, Huggies, Kotex, Prudential and Sime Darby Property.

Her passion lies in the commerce and digital space helping brands grow and drive their brand forward.

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